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Lots subject to normal VAT rules are marked in the text-only catalogue with a single 'at' character (@) to indicate a VAT inclusive rate of 20%.
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Lots subject to normal VAT rules are marked in the text-only catalogue with double 'at' characters (@@) to indicate a VAT inclusive rate of 5%.
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1. Chinese porcelain celadon vase (signed) approx 13" high, together with a set of three Victorian urns (A/F) £20-50
2. Painted lamp base made from an old tea tin £10-20
3. Large collection of vintage 1980s Peyo Smurf figures including Gargamel, and with larger National Benzole Smurfs, together with other vintage figures £10-30
4. Modern Heriz rug, 1.9 x 1.4m £50-60
5. Two boxes of Indian & embroidered textiles £20-40
6. Box of advertising tins, enamel, tools, kitchenalia etc £10-30
7. Old Persian rug on red ground, approx 80" x 47" £30-50
8. Assorted framed antique engravings & prints including a Cecil CUTLER (1886-1934) portrait of Edward VII £10-30
9. Vintage clothing:- c.1940s Schoolgirl's blazer, cap, scarves, two leather satchels and a hand-knitted cricket jumper £10-30
10. Two boxes of hardback reference books on Architecture & Interiors £10-20
11. Boosey & Hawkes student oboe in hard case £20-40
12. Large blue & white 19th c. Chinese porcelain vase (A/F) approx 22.5" tall £40-60
13. Gilt-framed oval wall mirror, a Rob Roberts Limited Edition print, another mirror etc £10-20
14. Two antique Family Bibles £10-30
15. Box of assorted Ferrari & Motor Racing books £10-30
16. "War Memoirs of David Lloyd George" (two volumes), "The Second World War" by Winston Churchill (seven volumes), and other war-related & military books (two shelves) £10-30
17. Collection of late 19th c. "Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biology" (15 volumes) £10-20
18. Three shelves of old and contemporary Art & Artists books £10-20
19. Mrs Beeton's cookery books, antique Chess player's books, and the BBC handbook, 1928 £10-20
20. 19th c. German wall clock with painted dial £30-50
21. Silver-plated shell dishes, hardstone bonsai etc (one shelf) £10-20
22. Collection of owl figurines (one shelf) £10-20
23. Shelf of contemporary Studio Pottery bowls, vases etc £10-30
24. Blue & white Victorian tableware, floral dishes, meat platters etc (two shelves) £10-20
25. Blue & white Copeland Spode teaware in the Italian pattern, antique blue & white cheese dishes, Royal Worcester Astley bowls etc £10-30
26. Box of assorted vintage tins, empty cutlery cases, stands etc £10-20
27. Large stylised papier-mache model of a Galleon £10-20
28. Collection of brass door handles, assorted weights, old thermometer and Doctor's leather bag £10-20
29. Four large old Victorian meat platters etc £10-30
30. Large Contemporary oriental-style vase £10-20
31. Corgi & Matchbox diecast cars, tins, binoculars etc £10-20
32. Sylvac squirrel vase, owl teapot, owl moneybox etc £10-20
33. Fitted mahogany box, and bronze Art Nouveau inkwell £20-40
34. Studio Pottery orange vase, Chinese cups & saucers, coloured glasses, oriental lidded vase etc (one shelf) £10-20
35. Collection of Victorian pewter pub measures £10-30
36. Two Chinese stoneware ginger jars (signed to bases) £10-20
37. Shelf of assorted items:- cameras, pub ashtrays, "Shut the Box" game, Corgi & other car models £10-20
38. Blue Denby Stoneware cups & saucers, wooden items etc (one shelf) £10-20
39. Assorted wooden items & treen, and a Victorian decoupage papier-mache letter rack £10-20
40. Extensive collection of books relating to specific Potteries £10-20
41. Two 1930s mantle clocks £10-20
42. No 2A Kodak Brownie camera in original box, a Six 20 Brownie (in case), and two pairs of binoculars £10-30
43. Pine and wool child's rocking sheep £10-30
44. Assorted mounted & framed watercolour paintings by Norman Westwood £10-20
45. Box of TG Green & Poole pottery (some (A/F) £10-20
46. Vintage crocodile-effect Vanity case containing embroidered cotton children's/doll's clothing, two vintage travel scrapbooks with some postcards £10-20
47. Large vintage composite doll £10-20
48. Large papier-mache galleon model on stand £10-20
49. WW2 photos, ephemera and maps (mainly RAF) £10-30
50. Box of old padlocks, clamps, tools, cutlery, lead horn protectors for cattle etc £10-20
51. Pastel portrait of a terrier and another large framed print entitled "The Dog in the Manger" £10-20
52. Three boxes of old glass bottles including Ale, Soda and Chemist's £10-20
53. Box of assorted silver-plated cutlery, some cased & boxed, including table knives £10-30
54. Vintage board games including "Touring Europe" & Monopoly, unopened playing cards, and Reeves Artist's watercolour sets £10-30
55. Collection of miniature bottles of spirits, whisky, rum etc, together with a 1999 bottle of Thomas Hardy's ale £15-30
56. Booths bowl, Continental hand-painted Art Pottery, hand-modelled clay figures, Art Deco sauce boat etc £10-20
57. Brass coloured glass light shade, heart-shaped glass hanging ornament, another pink glass hanging candleholder and a metal fitted jewellery casket decorated with elephants £10-30
57A. Nest of three G-Plan style teak tables £10-30
58. Vintage Geographica terrestrial globe with red bakelite base, and several old Atlases or Map Books £10-30
59. Glass Murano-style animal ornaments including a Barthmann crystal anteater £10-20
60. Box of assorted Royal Commemorative ephemera, booklets etc £10-20
61. 1990's military modelling magazines, vintage Atlas comic, Lord of the Rings Battle Games magazines by Games Workshop etc. , plus 1990's military modelling magazines, vintage Atlas comic, Lord of the Rings Battle Games magazines by Games Workshop etc., and a box of Annuals £10-30
62. Set of six turquoise 1950s Fiesta Ware oval plates, Studio Pottery etc £10-20
63. Collection of glass, metalware etc including an Arthur Wood teapot and an iron cookery book stand by Robert Welch for Victor Cast Ware £10-20
64. Wooden boat & ship models including Galleon £40-60
65. Mah Jong set in case with wooden tile racks, lacquered plate etc £20-40
66. Assorted framed hand-coloured engraved County Maps in box £40-60
67. Trix Twin Railway Track sets (boxed) with manual and Hornby carriages (6), and a Blockmen Military Building System in case £20-40
68. Tams Ware marbled china items, glassware, and Royal Winton vases £10-20
69. Large quantity of Sotheby's & Christies auction catalogues many relating to watches and antiquarian horology £10-30
70. Assorted magazines from the 1950's, Flight, Autocar, The Aeroplane etc. £10-20
71. Babbacombe Pottery animals, pottery bull and a Russian calf £10-20
72. Two framed signed prints by Peter Toms, both entitled "Reflections" £10-30
73. Large artist's studio easel £20-50
74. Framed prints and loose frames in box £10-20
75. Old tennis rackets, mahogany handled tray with shell motif A/F, T-Square, Vintage canvas director's chair etc. £10-20
76. Signed 1st Ed - "A Forest by Night", Fred J. Speakman 1965, and other interesting hardback and paperback books inc. the I'Ching £10-30
77. Shelf of glassware - drinking glasses and some paperweights £10-20
78. Shelf of Corgi and donkey figurines (some Beswick) £10-30
79. Shelf of vintage Fred Homepride advertising Kitchenalia, some by Airfix £10-30
80. Box containing more Corgi related collectables and figures £10-20
81. Vintage tobacco stoneware jar, old mixing bowl, glassware and Hi-Way 8 track car stereo tape player £10-20
82. Five large boxes of 1980's advertising milk bottles £10-30
83. Shelf of mainly military aircraft and naval books £10-20
84. Large pine spice rack or kitchen shelf £10-20
85. Good collection of old street maps and atlases £10-30
86. Six leather bound volumes of "Good Words", 1865-1870 £10-30
87. Shelf of vintage children's annuals inc. a Mickey Mouse Annual (1944), Chums, Eagle, Boy's Own etc. £10-30
88. 19 hardback Dick Francis novels £10-30
89. Six volumes of The Gardener's Assistant by William Watson c. 1930's £10-20
90. Pair of 19th c. Canton porcelain vases decorated with applied dragons & birds etc (A/F), approx 13" high £40-60
91. Machine made carpet decorated with horses and figures on dark orange ground £10-20
92. Pine toilet seat with A**hole of the Year award crests for the SWELC Poole area! (pigeon breeding related) £10-20
93. Brand new red ground Ziegler carpet 1.9m x 1.4m £50-80
94. Two contemporary Dhurrie rugs £10-30
95. Postal History and Stamp Collection, significant large ex collectors' lot. Three areas of collecting areas feature strongly, comprehensive Germany Third Reich 1933-1945 and hyper inflation period postal history, postal stationery and MNH issues. Military service and POW postal history of WW1 various nations (allied and axis) a collection of three large albums of material, curated collection of PH and some mint issues. Albums of of wide ranging and in depth United States postal history and various stamps, perfins, pre-cancels definitives etc. To include US Civil War cover and letter (with transcription), 1864 3c stamp affixed from Northern army soldier Levi Bliss from Halltown VA to New London Conn. Informative study presentations associated with these collections, as used in previous philately displays and exhibitions. Other collecting areas represented include; GB Commonwealth, 7 album collection of Isle of Man with Gibraltar QV to EII, 20th century world (including China), early Air Mail stamps and themed collections. Extensive lot, much to view. £1000-2000
96. Box containing assorted vintage toffee and biscuit tins £10-30
97. Good assortment of watercolour and other framed paintings (some prints) £10-30
98. Large framed crewel work tapestry, woolwork picture and an Edwardian family photograph £10-30
99. Framed watercolour paintings with some prints £10-30
100. Vintage framed paintings and prints £10-30
101. Various prints and pencil drawing of an orangutan etc. £30-50
102. Vintage 1950's/60's Kitsch bullfighter and horse prints (set of 4) £10-30
103. Large 19th c. oval pastel portrait of an Indian Army officer £100-150
104. Continental tapestry picture of Chartres Cathedral £20-40
105. Large 19th c. albumen print photograph of a Roman ampitheatre, 23" x 27" £50-100
106. Oriental embroidery of tree with birds and grouse/ptarmigan £20-40
107. Contemporary metal standard lamp and two modern shaving mirrors £10-20
108. Two Victorian oil lamps and 5 similar (7) £30-50
109. Victorian oil on canvas of a river scene with sailing barges, inscribed and dated John Moore 1820-1902, in gilt frame £50-80
110. Marine painting by George Knight (c. 1800) £120-150
111. Architectural watercolour of canalside scene of Palazzo Barbaro, Venice, signed John Foster £20-40
112. 19th c. Chippendale style mahogany wall mirror £40-60
113. Two Sandy Gore limited edition colour prints of Weymouth Harbour with tall ships, signed lower right £40-60
114. Continental tapestry portrait of Marshall Foch (Marechal Foch) £15-25
115. Oil on board of beached fishing boats at Rye by John Stephen £20-40
116. Watercolour of a riverscape with weeping willow, signed £20-40
117. Signed colour print titled "Tall Ships in Weymouth Harbour" by E.D. Walker and a colour print of the yacht "Hoshi" off the Isle of Wight, signed Michael Lees £50-100
118. Two Victorian oil paintings of rural scenes £10-20
119. Victorian brass relief plaque of Napoleon on horseback in Hogarth frame £20-40
120. Watercolour by Francis E. Tighe of park gates and a similar of The William Greville Houses at Chipping Camden by Miss D. Tremaine £20-40
121. Pair of Edwardian framed triptychs of photogravure of romantic and domestic scenes £30-40
122. Oil on board Dorset landscape by V. Duxbury, signed £10-20
123. Arthur Knighton-Hammond (1875-1970) watercolour of Pendormer Church, signed £80-120
124. Watercolour of a landscape with river and peasant girl on path £10-20
125. American wall clock £30-50
126. Victorian portrait of a gentleman with walrus moustache in gilt frame £80-120
127. Large pair of black and white photographs of old large racing yachts after Beken of Cowes £50-100
128. Pair of contemporary colour prints of Jazz bands £20-40
129. Four original theatre posters by Dudley Hardy for D'Oyly Carte "Yeoman of the Guard", printer David Allen & Sons Ltd, Leicester Square £40-60
130. Old enamel sign advertising "BP - Motor Spirit" on a union jack background together with three Castrol oil cans £50-70
131. Pair of watercolour portraits attributed to Carl Kronberger (1841-1921) in bold ebonised frames £80-120
132. 19th c. sampler by Jane Ferguson of Bathgate, dated 1831 £60-100
133. Maud K. Johnston, an impressionistic riverside scene with figures titled verso "Some shacks on Miami River, Florida" £50-100
134. Watercolour design for marquetry panel by B. Knudsen of a seagoing trawler and yachts at dusk £20-40
135. Two Victorian oil miniature portraits of a man and wife in leather frames £80-120
136. Tapestry picture of a dog £30-50
137. Three 19th c. Chinese paintings of figures on rice paper in gilt frames £200-300
138. Attributed to James Abbot McNeill Whistler, a pencil sketch from self portrait £100-200
139. Pair of engraved portraits of ladies in oval oak frames £20-30
140. Edward Emerson (1900-) watercolour of Wiltshire landscape £50-80
141. Jane Phillips-Smith, a woodcut 5/50 titled "Cat Nap" £10-20
142. Watercolour of Dorset coastline by Justin Cooke dated 1988 £10-20
143. P. Lambert, oil on board of a farmyard and house with trees and cattle £30-50
144. C. Stanton (XX) oil on canvas study of a man's shoe £30-50
145. Contemporary abstract oil on canvas of boulder shapes and splattering, unsigned £30-50
146. 20th c. oil on board of Bickton Mill by P.S. Worth £10-20
147. Watercolour study by Vic Howell of a Hawker Hurricane prototype in flight (first flown in 1935) £20-30
148. 19th c. gilt framed and mounted circular watercolour of a coastal scene inscribed T. Harper £30-50
149. Victorian oil on canvas of chicken and chicks by a cottage signed Rera Greenberg and dated 1905, gilt framed £40-60
150. Rowland Fade (1939-), "Composition in Gray & Ochre", canvas signed and dated 1975, 18" x 15" £60-80
151. Two impressionist landscapes with trees, oil on board, signed £20-40
152. Watercolour of farmland by J. Varley (1777-1842), gilt frame £60-80
153. Colour pencil drawing of terrace houses and gardens, signed and a watercolour of kitchen still life by Ian Dyke c. 1990's £15-30
154. Pair of Cristolean pictures of children £40-60
155. Watercolour of Swanton Morley airfield, Norfolk, signed and dated £40-60
156. 19th c. Chinese paintings on leaves in ornate gilded frame £300-500
157. Sir Charles Doyly (1781-1845) - small watercolour of an Indian coastal scene with boats and figures and a small oil painting of a continental farmhouse £150-250
158. Pair of small watercolours of river scenes, together with a watercolour of the River Wye valley at Hunsham Loop by William Edwards £20-40
159. Set of ten 19th c. Chinese paintings on rice papers of birds in gilt frames £100-200
160. Framed tapestry of a classical scene with two ladies and a pair of colour "mezzotints" after Thomas Burke £30-50
161. Robert Lenkiewicz (1941-2002) an ink drawing of a young man in a duffel coat 12" x 7.5", unframed, bearing the deceased artist's studio stamp lower right £100-200
162. NO LOT
163. NO LOT
164. NO LOT
165. Quantity of costume jewellery with some gold, a silver gilt ring set with stones and an Ottoman gold coin, inc. Metropolitan Constabulary badge by W.O. Lewis, Daume ladies watch etc. £20-40
166. Assorted costume jewellery - scrap? silver - rose quartz beaded necklace (A/F) etc £10-30
167. Quantity of old tools and keys inc. Shardlow micrometer in case and a Feola oil can, etc. £10-30
168. Large bronze medallion from the British Friesian Cattle Society for developing a 2000 gallon cow! 1931 £10-30
169. Silver? or plated bowl with inset silver coin - a Maltese Scudo dated 1796 £20-30
169A. A gilt metal Nepalese lidded box, another similar and a carved bone woggle £10-20
170. Two 18ct gold rings set with sapphires and diamonds £60-80
171. Late 19th c. silver and gold ladies pocket watch movement signed by W.L. Matthews of East Street, Bridport £20-40
171A. Georg Jensen ladies watch in case, designed by Andreas Mikkelsen £60-100
172. A ladies platinum band and another platinum engagement ring with diamond £80-120
173. Victorian portrait miniature of a lady, signed "Butler" £10-20
174. Two vintage RAC Automobile or car club badges and another commemorating the Queen's coronation 1953 £40-60
175. Two 9ct gold lockets, one with a ruby, a 9ct gold brooch inset with a ruby, and a 9ct rolled gold bangle (gold items approx 14.1g) £200-300
176. 9ct gold ring mounted with 3 row pearls and a 9ct gold chain (A/F), combined weight approx 4.4g £30-60
177. Four 9ct gold rings, three set with various stones (approx 9g) £50-80
178. 18ct gold diamond ring, size "N" (diamond tested) £120-150
179. .128ct emerald with provenance £20-40
180. 9ct gold gate bracelet with padlock clasp, approx 13.2g £80-100
181. 1 9ct gold brooch and a 9ct gold pendant inset with pearls etc. approx 7.5g £60-80
182. 9ct rose gold Albert single chain, approx 21.8g £280-320
183. 9ct gold Oxford University class or college ring set with purple stone £140-160
183A. Ribbed glass and silver perfume flask made by Asprey's and hallmarked for London 1884 £140-160
184. Two ladies 9ct gold Art Deco watches: a Cloisonne enamel cocktail watch (working), and another with gold gate bracelet £180-240
185. Two shell cameo brooches, one with silver mount, and a marcasite brooch £10-30
186. Chinese carved jade lidded pot and a figural carving £200-240
187. 18ct gold ring set with three diamonds £80-120
188. Georgian ivory needle cases and tape measure £30-50
189. Miniature Georgian decorated ivory egg pounce pot £10-30
190. Edwardian 18ct gold ring inset with two old miner cut diamonds, 0.34crt with COA £200-400
191. Coins - 1861 half dime, an 1866 Franc and a souvenir medallion in a box £10-30
192. Ivory and gold Georgian toothpick holders, one with hairwork inset panel £30-60
193. Mid 19th c. Heeley & Sons Kings Rack Barrel corkscrew, and 2 others £60-80
194. Albert Nestler slide rule in wooden case with accessories £20-40
195. Double-cased silver fusee pocket watch (1822) gold-plated Waltham pocket watch, another, and two stop watches - one with Air Ministry stamp to rear, and the other marked to face as Admiralty Pattern 3169 £200-250
196. Large collection of costume jewellery £10-30
197. Three silver decanter or spirit labels for Madeira (Georgian), Gin & Whisky, another for Brandy - no hallmarks and possibly silver plate £20-40
198. Assorted vintage costume jewellery inc. simulated pearl necklace £10-30
199. Box of old coins, British & Foreign, some silver £20-40
200. 1930's silver guilloche enamel brooch and studs set in case (brooch A/F) £20-40
201. Vintage Desmo of Birmingham chrome eagle car mascot £10-30
202. Victorian silver bosun's whistle with ornate engraving and inscription for "The Lady Bee", hallmarked for Birmingham 1896 £90-120
203. Ladies 9ct gold Evente ladies wrist watch and a Physical Training Staff Army badge £20-40
204. Fine silver vinaigrette with gilt lining and engraved foliate design. By Nathaniel Mills, hallmarked for Birmingham 1844, and with initials to gold cartouche £200-400
205. Early 19th c. ivory toothpick case inlaid with gold and semi-precious stone £50-80
206. WW1 leather wristlet for pocket watch signed under with owner's name, and two silver plated cigarette cases in lacquered box £10-30
207. Tribal Art beadwork pot containing other beaded pieces, WW1 sailor doll, faux tortoiseshell egg case, other dolls etc. £10-30
208. Silver cased set of engraved teaspoons with sugar tongs, and a pair of salts with spoons, both with Sheffield hallmarks, c. 1920's (approx 4.8 troy oz) £30-50
209. Interesting ladies field glasses or binoculars made by J. Casartelli of Manchester, with three settings:- "Marine", "Field" and "Theatre" (lenses mechanically change), together with a vintage crocodile evening bag (A/F) £30-50
210. Two early 20th c. manicure sets in cases and a hardstone lidded metal pot £10-30
211. Large blue and white Delft charger £70-100
212. Pair of old spectacles, mother of pearl inlaid opera glasses with case, and a Post Office Savings Bank in box £10-30
213. Assorted coins and commemorative items - some silver £20-40
214. Two First Day Covers for the Festival of Britain £10-20
215. Quantity of costume jewellery, some silver £20-30
216. Pair of Art Nouveau pierced silver baskets (approx 22 troy oz) with Bristol blue glass liners, London 1909, C.S. Harris & Sons £500-700
217. Large collection of vintage enamel and other badges, watches, jewellery etc. £20-40
218. Two old horse brasses, a Bosun's whistle with military crows foot, etc. £10-30
219. A Davon No.2 Field Micro Telescope in leather sleeve, patent no. 13521-12, and by F. Davidson & Co, c. WW1 £30-60
220. Leather vanity case with cloth cover containing blue guilloche silver vanity set of brushes, bottles, mirror etc. Hallmarked for London 1926 and retailed through Ernest Drew & Sons of Piccadilly £180-240
221. Box of costume jewellery £10-30
222. Collection of costume jewellery, brooches, necklaces etc. £10-30
223. Tribal Art: A New Guinea cassowary bone dagger, antique ivory carved Chinese figure and four warthog tusks £20-40
224. Cut glass inkwell, silver topped glass match striker and another silver lidded glass piece £20-40
225. A small antique Tibetan bronze figure of a reclining Buddha £20-40
226. White metal elephant pin cushion, lacquered and inlaid snuff box and Mirella bird ring tree £10-30
227. Railway Related:- 1930's Greyhound souvenir figure with crest for Union Station, Chicago by Jennings Brothers. Together with a Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Trespassers notice £20-50
228. 18th c. French Guilloche enamel box, painted in gold to lid with a classical scene. Tortoiseshell lined, Louis XV period £900-1200
229. Allen & Daws of Norwich brass carriage clock with French movement (working) £80-120
230. Finely painted Chinese Republic porcelain vase decorated with figures £150-250
231. Antique bronze oil lamp, heavily decorated bronze cup (A/F), and a match holder in the shape of an owl (with glass eyes) £40-60
232. Art Deco silver cased clock, hallmarked for Birmingham 1922 £30-60
233. Pair of Duchin Design adjustable Sterling Silver 3-branch candlesticks £130-160
234. Old tinplate and clockwork toys, wind-up dog with waggy tail (with key), pecking chickens and mouse £10-30
235. Sunderland lustre jug by Dixon & Co, with depiction of Northumberland 74 gun ship of the line to one side, and Forget-me-not rhyme to the other (A/F), approx 6" high £130-160
236. 19th c. Chinese painted ivory figure £80-120
237. Silver vase and toast rack £30-50
238. 19th c. Chinese blue and white tulip vase of lobed bottle form (A/F) £180-220
239. Chinese bronze spittoon inlaid with silver flowers, approx 4.5" high £70-100
240. Chinese Sang de Beouf vase with Qianlong mark (approx 9.5" high) £200-300
241. Silver collared cut glass scent or perfume bottle with silver-plated cruet set £10-20
242. 1920's Asprey of London silk evening bag in the Arts & Crafts style, sliding clasp set with semi-precious stones, in original box £80-120
243. Silver sugar shaker, silver Walker & Hall sauce boat, WW2 pin tray from the B.E.F. Draft of the Army Medical Corps to a Captain Low, and some plated items £70-120
244. Solid silver and gilt Modernist collarette or necklace with textured finish in original case. By Graham Watling of Lacock and dating to c. 1970 £180-220
245. Mid Victorian pencil case depicting Lord Worcester and Lord Charles Beresford with the motto "Defence not Defiance" most likely relating to the Military Volunteer Movement of the time £20-40
246. Large collection of vintage and older costume jewellery in fitted case, some silver £40-60
247. NO LOT
248. Cased set of silver hair brushes and comb with Glasgow retailer of Robert Stewart £30-50
249. Butlins Memorabilia including enamel badges (5) and a framed 1950's mirror from Butlins Ocean Hotel at Saltdean, Brighton £10-30
250. 1920's Art Deco ladies 9ct gold watch and strap £30-50
251. Two 9ct gold rings set with opals and other stones £20-30
251A. 22ct gold wedding band (approx 2.5g) £40-60
252. Two 9ct gold brooches, one with matching 9ct stick pin, a silver horseshoe brooch etc. £20-40
253. Assorted silver jewellery £20-40
254. Box of vintage and older brooches, some possibly silver £10-30
255. Box containing enamel and other badges, vintage Monopoly playing pieces etc. £10-20
256. Ladies silver pocket watch with finely engraved case (cracked glass), and a 9ct gold ladies wrist watch £20-40
257. Collection of assorted crested china £10-20
258. Lladro figure of a woman in a dress £10-20
259. Royal Doulton china figurine "Bounty" £15-20
260. Beswick Collie dog "Lochinvar of Lady Park" £15-30
261. 18th c. Creamware pierced and fluted basket (Leeds or Derby) £60-80
262. Beswick pig and piglet figure £10-15
263. Early 19th c. Welsh pottery cow creamer with black and white transfer decoration of village scenes with figures by Baker, Bevans & Irwin, Glamorgan Pottery, Swansea (A/F and restored) £150-250
264. Dresden china Peacock figurine £20-30
265. Goebel china figurine of a 1930's lady £10-20
266. Antiquity - Syrian Black Basalt part torso of Nike (or Victory), 2nd Century AD, Hauran £80-120
267. 19th c. gilt bronze still life bird figure mounted on striated black marble base £40-60
268. Royal Crown Derby coffee can and saucer £8-10
269. Chinese Republic bottle vase, 9.5" high £80-120
270. 19th c. Chinese bronze "calligraphy" censer with pierced and carved hardwood lid and shaped stand £200-300
271. Chinese Yixing terracotta teapot £20-40
272. Collection of china novelty egg cups, a wooden Russian stacking doll, two Bisto kids soft toy figurines etc. £20-30
273. Doulton Lambeth Stoneware shaving mug with silver rim £20-30
274. Group of five various miniature character jugs £10-15
275. Victorian silver rimmed glass decanter £40-60
276. Pair of oak bookends mounted with bronze cat figures £30-50
277. Doulton Harvest jug, a Dr. Roberts of Bridport ointment pot and a cloisonne pin tray £20-40
278. Victorian souvenir cup and saucer with black and white transfer of West Bay, Bridport scenes and a bisque figurine £15-20
279. Pewter Golf Tournament tankard inscribed "The Daily Telegraph & Morning Post" and a tray of drawing instruments £10-20
280. Tribal Art: African Cameroon Bamileke ceremonial beadwork bust £100-200
281. Unusual tall pair of 18th c. pewter candlesticks inscribed "York 1762" with a family crest and touch marks £200-300
282. Poole Carter & Co, c. 1906, glazed stoneware pitcher 13", (repair to rim) £30-50
283. Antique Chinese gilt bronze standing buddha, 38cm tall £100-200
284. WW2 military bino prism binoculars with leather case stamped B.H. & G. Ltd £50-70
285. "Peter Pan & Wendy" 1st Edition, retold by May Byron and illustrated by Mabel Lucie Attwell, "Little Ann - a book" illustrated by Kate Greenaway and three similar books £20-30
286. "Biggles and the Black Pearl", Capt. W.E. Johns, two other Biggles books and a collection of assorted books £10-20
287. Quantity of World Aviation charts, colour photos of light aircraft etc. £10-20
288. Shelf of books on Antique glass and ceramics £10-15
289. "Aircraft in Warfare" 1916, 1st Edition by F.W. Lanchester and "L'Univers, Histoire Et Description, De Tous Les Peuples, Amerique Meridionale, Iles Diverses De L'Ocean, Et Regions Circompolaires", illustrated maps, 1840 £40-60
290. Archaeology and Anthropology books (10) £10-15
291. 18th c. leather bound "Book of Common Prayer" 1723, printed by John Baskett £300-500
292. American carved oak cased mantle clock £15-30
293. Chinese Republic vase with animal figures of tiger, monkey, squirrel, deer and dragon etc. (chip to rim) £400-600
294. Chinese blanc de chine figure of Guan Yin seated on lotus flower, 25cm £30-50
295. Victorian brass mounted alabaster mantle clock £50-80
296. Chinese celadon two handled vase and a Chinese "9 dragon" bowl £40-60
297. Antique Hindu bronze figure of Vishnu on Garuda and a small bronze of Guan Yin £40-60
298. Lladro figure of a lady with a parasol £10-20
299. Staffordshire cottage, a 19th c. glass double gimmel or bellows flask, and two miniature Royal Doulton "Capt. Ahab" character jugs £50-100
300. Pair Victorian brass bulls eye lanterns and pair of Victorian brass candlesticks £20-40
301. Large 19th c. French mantle clock with bronze classical figure of a woman reading a book on mahogany plinth, working with keys and pendulum £150-250
302. Collection of assorted Chemists bottles £30-40
303. Quantity of Victorian 1/4 plate glass negatives inc. People, Ships & Trees, together with a large collection of smaller glass negatives, c. 1913 of a variety of subjects £80-120
304. Mdina glass vase, blue glass water jug, another ruby jug and a modern stained glass panel £20-30
305. Edwardian china dressing table set and rose vase £10-15
306. Large 19th c. Chinese lidded "calligraphy" vase, 17" tall £100-200
307. 19th c. Chinese Famille Jeune fish bowl, 13" high x 12" diameter £300-400
308. Pair of Staffordshire dogs with copper lustre decoration £15-20
309. 18th c. Chinese ginger jar £200-300
310. Large Chinese Sang de Beouf bottle vase (restored), 45cm £80-120
311. Late 19th c. Bohemian engraved and faceted glass vase with cover £100-200
312. Two 19th c. cast iron shooting dogs bookends and two old brass glass cutting tools £10-20
313. 19th c. Mocha ware jug (chipped spout), an 18th c. New Hall china teapot, pattern 191 having scattered flowers design (A/F) and transfer decorated circular spirit flask or bed warmer £50-70
314. Good collection of 25 blue and white transfer printed sauce and serving ladles, various factories £100-150
315. Doulton Lambeth Velluma teapot (A/F), a 19th c. porcelain girl figurine with blue anchor mark (chip to base) and three china cottages £40-60
316. Silver plate campaign sandwich tin, an Art Deco silver plate matchbox holder ashtray, an oval galleried tray etc. £40-50
317. Canteen of cutlery and 7 sets of assorted cased cutlery £30-40
318. Large collection of plastic and metal novelty pencil sharpeners £20-30
319. Large mahogany dining table on turned legs £40-60
320. Victorian 6 drawer telescope by Troughton and Simms, London £60-80
321. Gilt bronze classical figure reclining on marble base £20-40
322. Edwardian oak cased Bulle patent early electric clock, dial marked T. Preston & Co, Whitby £100-150
323. Art Nouveau painted metal and glass epergne in the form of a stork with single etched glass trumpet £80-120
324. Chinese prunus vase, 44cm £100-150
325. Large 19th c. Chinese blue and white dragons fish bowl £200-300
326. Fine 19th c. Chinese Canton rose vase £300-500
327. 19th c. brass bound rosewood writing slope £50-70
328. 19th c. Chinese style vase and cover £100-150
329. Three postcard albums of various dogs, over 230 cards £80-120
330. 19th c. Armand Marseille porcelain headed baby doll and clothes in salesman sample dome topped steamer trunk £80-120
331. A Hohner Marine Band Echo tremelo harmonica in original box £40-60
332. Two 19th c. local property auction notices, maps and details for Bothenhampton (108 acres to be sold by Mr William Morey and Fred W. Gundry) and Two Freehold Estates known as Bradpole and Mangerton £20-30
333. Victorian brass letter scales with weights on oak stand by Sampson Mordan £30-50
334. Pair of Victorian Adam style Sheffield plate candelabra £40-60
335. Stamp collection QV to QEII GB, Empire and Commonwealth, with QV GB Postal History material, also old Europe and world issues with opts and revenues (to include China mint and used, plus mint Shanghai Postage Due Local issues and old US issues). Collection consists of two albums and material on loose album pages. £100-200
336. Large informative collection in three albums of Bridport related postcards with detailed annotations £200-400
337. Lantern slides: 3 wood boxes inc. many Naval, Topographical, Historical, Art etc. and Hymns (approx 300) £100-150
338. 19th c. ships clock with brass bezel and steel case £60-100
339. 19th c. Dutch brass wall mirror with arched crest £60-100
340. 19th c. Italian relief brass wall mirror having mask to top and candle holders below £40-60
341. Old copper and brass bugle and a WW2 Australian naval flag (torn) £20-40
342. Victorian Enfield Snider (Mk111?) breech loading 2 band rifle with 1871 Tower lock plate, 3 groove obsolete .577 calibre bore £250-300
343. Three Victorian turned and carved mahogany stands £30-50
344. Metal collectors cabinet or tool chest with 15 drawers £20-40
344A. Four albums containing postcards relating to donkeys (some novelty), c. 1900's to 1970's. Many seaside resort postcards and almost a whole album devoted to donkeys at Clovelly, approx 1000 postcards in all £150-250
345. Royal Devon floral jardiniere stand (A/F) £10-30
346. Two vintage frames for British Rail carriage posters, one with original 1950's Littering poster, inc. another similar framed railway print and two paintings of trains £30-60
347. Two wooden folding tables £10-30
348. Three albums containing postcards relating to dogs (some novelty, many humorous), c. 1900's - 1970's (approx 400-500 postcards) £80-140
349. Edwardian light oak cutlery chest with brass crest (empty) £20-40
350. Old political cartoons, an 1812 copy of The Globe newspaper, Wilts & Dorset by pen & camera, c. 1900, and other engravings & ephemera including New Zealand stamps £20-50
351. Vintage cream anglepoise lamp by Herbert Terry & Sons, with stepped base £20-50
352. Edwardian brass fire tools (3) and a copper coachman's horn £20-40
353. Galleried silver plated tray, Clark Bros copper jug, large silver-plated charger with repousse stag, Harrods golf clubs, old bronze pestle & mortar and other metalware £20-50
354. Fire Service Ladders for Rescue poster from Her Majesty's Stationery Office, together with a quantity of other Civil Defence Dept instructional diagram posters in original card tube £20-60
355. Thick enamel Coca Cola advertising sign £20-40
356. British Railways Intercity metal Red Star Parcels drop-off point (signs x 2) £20-40
357. Oak cased grandmother clock with chain driven movement, bevelled glass panel to door and silvered chapter ring £100-150
358. Pair of mahogany open bookshelves £10-30
359. Collection of 20th c. Chinese blue and white porcelain, with carved wooden stands £10-30
360. Large old album of postcards from early to mid 20th c, many geographical, humorous etc, approx 500 together with an album of cigarette cards £60-100
361. 10 small albums containing mostly humorous postcards of animals etc. inc. 4 albums of Bamforth postcards, Sepia "Comic Cats", Brian White comic postcards of children, George Studdy, Bonzo, etc (some reproductions) £80-120
362. Two large albums of umbrella related postcards (all ages), two small albums of Town Criers and 4 other small albums, one of Dolly Dingle, another of dogs Chromart Towzie & George Willis etc, and another Coolidge paintings of anthropomorphic animal scenarios (some reproductions) £40-80
363. Old Indian pierced brass casket, middle Eastern cooking vessel and ladles £30-40
364. Two shoeboxes of unsorted postcards (all ages), plus some Post Office loose cards £20-50
365. Victorian mahogany chest of drawers (2 over 3) with bun handles £50-70
366. Chinese celadon vase with blue square seal mark (A/F) £180-220
367. Vintage single drawer telescope (Commodore 20X) by Enbecco of London, in leather sleeve £20-40
368. Composition sculpture of a classical scene - Dirce or Lygia and the Bull £20-50
369. Victorian carved oak mantle clock with brass dial & enamel numerals £60-80
370. Japanese Meiji period bronze bonsai stand with stylised water-lily frieze to sides £70-100
371. Onyx mantle clock with gilt cherubs and lion to top £20-40
372. Elm Smoker's bow chair £30-50
373. Art Nouveau oak dresser £20-50
374. Two brass shop or counter bells, and an oak mantle clock with mother-of-pearl inlay £10-30
375. 19th c. Chinese celadon vase with blue painted bird design £100-150
376. 19th c. Imari-style pierced vase and cover £80-120
377. Oak mantle clock with a silver presentation plaque dated 1925 to a Reverend in Shap, Cumbria £20-30
378. 19th c. red lacquer (cinnabar) Buddha on ornate metal stand £80-120
379. Edwardian inlaid mahogany arch-top mantle clock £20-40
380. Art Deco and other ceramics including Liberty Ianthe pattern vase, Clarice Cliff Bizarre mug (A/F) and two pieces of Continental pottery etc £20-40
381. Three Royal Doulton decorative plates, and a pair of Staffordshire tree vases (A/F) £10-30
382. Assorted slide rules & mechanical calculators including Otis King, Addiator etc £20-40
383. Tribal Art:- figural carved axe handle, possibly African £10-30
384. Pair of old Staffordshire spaniels, and a painted pepper & salt shaker £10-30
385. Over 400 postcards in four albums relating to Sewing & Knitting, some novelty & humorous, from 1900-1970s £70-100
386. Two albums of postcards of Anthropomorphic Cats by Alfred Mainzer (approx 150) £20-50
387. Shoebox of assorted ephemera, postcards, photographs etc, mainly relating to Post-War Tripoli £20-40
388. Album of postcards relating to Umbrellas and another of Manx cats £40-60
389. A definitive collection of Butlins Resort postcards in three large albums, together with an index folder and several Butlins books (1930s onwards) £80-140
390. Minolta 505 SI Super Camera with AF 28-80 zoom lens and original packaging £30-50
391. Glazed mahogany corner cabinet £10-30
392. Shelf of commemorative pressed glass £10-30
393. Part Royal Doulton "Peking" dinner service, three Clarice Cliff "Old Bristol" plates £20-30
394. Assorted Bell's Whisky and other miniatures & boxed sets, together with an empty 8pt Bell's bottle! £20-40
395. Taxidermy: stuffed fox £10-30
396. Chinese porcelain 19th c. famille verte figures vase, 18" (A/F) £80-100
397. Belleek Madonna statue (restored) £90-120
398. Early 20th c. Chinese bronze censer of square form on stand £70-90
399. 19th c. Chinese pewter bowl with applied 'dragon' handles £40-60
400. Assorted pewter tankards, copperware, cutlery etc £10-20
401. Two Oriental brass jardinieres, a Japanese bronze censer (A/F), and an Indian brass lidded pot £30-50
402. Shelf of assorted china £20-40
403. Oak student's bureau £10-20
404. Taxidermy:- stuffed Cayman alligator £10-15
405. No Lot
406. Quantity of old carved wood figures & panels £30-40
407. Painted tin ceiling light fitting with crystal drops £10-15
408. Gilt wood carved wall bracket £10-15
409. Victorian osbourne carved plaque of an English Civil War crowd scene, in heavy ebonised frame £15-20
410. Album of 47 "Alpha" of Germany humorous postcards, c.1914, together with an album of "a Taylor Tot" postcards £80-120
411. Royal Worcester blush ivory jug with shaped spout (A/F), a Crown Ducal Art Deco floral cup & saucer, and a Tuscan Decoro pottery posy bowl £10-15
412. Quantity of assorted blue & white transfer printed pottery (some (A/F) £20-30
413. Victorian Gothic-style Cuckoo clock, working order £70-90
414. 19th c. Chinese deep carved hardwood oval mirror frame £100-200
415. Two 19th c. walnut-framed ambrotype portraits of gentlemen £40-50
416. Oak-cased 8-day mantle clock, together with an Edwardian inlaid mahogany 8-day mantle clock £30-40
417. Three Military Edition Ordnance Survey maps, c.1939 £5-15
418. Imari bottle vase (good condition), a pair of Kutani bottle vases (A/F), another similar pair (A/F), two Imari plates (A/F) and a 19th c. Chinese bowl (cracks to base) £40-60
419. Chinese porcelain figure of an Immortal, and a Chinese cockerel £20-40
420. Novelty china dog with eye patch and notice reading "home from the wars", and other small china items including Meissen chicks £15-20
421. Four large Chinese carved hardwood vase round stands £80-120
422. Victorian pine table cabinet £20-30
423. A barograph in copper case by Short & Mason of London £60-80
424. "The Mad Dog" R. Caldecott's picture book, and assorted small brass knockers £10-15
425. Reproduction carved mahogany lowboy on carved cabriole legs with ball & claw feet £50-70
426. Victorian album of assorted carte de visite portraits (mainly ladies) £30-40
427. A Ross of London single drawer telescope (missing leather cover) £30-40
428. 19th c. Chinese famille rose figures yen yen vase £100-200
429. 19th c. French alabaster & ormolu mantle clock with finials £60-80
430. Early 20th c. cylinder slide rule named "The Fuller Calculator" by Stanley, London £30-50
431. 1950s walnut-veneered two-door TV cabinet, and an Art Deco lamp standard £15-20
432. School of Barbara Hepworth/John Skeaping carrara marble abstract sculpture of a stylised swan mounted on a hardwood plinth, 9" tall x 7" wide £200-300
433. Edwardian mantle clock in carved walnut case with brass dial & silvered chapter ring, 17" high x 12" wide £40-60
434. Rolinx plastic pencil case in original packaging, two wooden pencil boxes, a tin of drawing instruments, and assorted pencils £10-20
435. Victorian barleytwist turned walnut gong stand £15-20
436. Two albums of assorted greeting postcards £60-80
437. Chinese Republic "horses of mu wong" vase, 56cms high £200-300
438. Victorian mahogany jewellery box (missing fitted interior) £10-20
439. Three large albums of Isle of Man postcards £80-120
440. Large Victorian slate mantle clock with ormolu mounts (working) £30-50
441. Collection of vintage pin badges and matchbooks etc, a "trench art" brass lidded box and a bronze bowl £20-30
442. A scale model of the Titanic (kit), together with history etc of the vendor's relatives who went down with the ship, and newspaper & books about the Titanic £150-250
443. 1930s oak cabinet with drop-down central desk flanked by glazed doors £10-20
444. Four Dartington glass "Railway" paperweights, and a silver-plated tray inscribed "Station of the Year, York" £5-10
445. Large turned fruit wood dairy bowl £15-30
446. Mahogany fall front cupboard £5-10
447. Casa Pupo china cockatoo water jug and another £10-15
448. Edwardian Adderley's China chamberpot, blue & white with gilt detailing £10-30
449. Continental tube-lined Art Pottery vase and assorted china teaware, a majolica egg cup stand (A/F) and other pots £10-20
450. Extensive Japanese dinner service (eleven place settings) £10-30
451. Losol ware chamber pot and a Middleport pottery chamber pot (A/F) £5-10
452. Taxidermy: Squirrel on branch £10-30
453. Chinese porcelain sleeved vase, cloisonne bowls, old tiles, a metal box with repousse dragon design etc £10-20
454. WW1 brass shell case, three old brass watering cans and other metalware (two shelves) £10-30
455. Pair of Victorian mahogany upholstered open armchairs £40-80
456. Microphone stand & old BBC headphones £10-20
457. French majolica Sarreguemines-style humidor in the shape of a boat, and a glass figural bottle £20-40
458. Two Chinese metal jue vessels (one A/F) £40-60
459. Continental china figurines etc £20-40
460. Shelf of blue & white china including washbowl, jug and chamber pot set, bowls, vases etc £30-60
461. Blue & white Meissen large bowl or platter (A/F) and large Wedgwood embossed Queensware bowl in cream and blue, diameter 15" £20-50
462. Victorian chinoiserie 'Mandarin' pattern jug and basin set £20-30
463. Victorian mahogany corner cabinet with carved detailing, and similar mirrored corner wall shelf £20-40
464. Victorian pewter measures & trophy (some stamped James Yates) £10-30
465. White metal Persian wine carafe, with set of six small matching goblets £30-60
466. A 19th c. mahogany sofa table £80-120
467. Assorted ephemera relating to St Andrews Ambulance Association, photographs from The Gramophone Co., Hayes and R.A. Lister, Dursley, Fox Hunting Stevengraph and other novelty prints etc £10-30
468. Georgian mahogany snap-top tripod table £30-60
469. Black Forest wall shelf with carved deer under, a footstool & bellows etc £10-30
470. Pair of 19th c. Chinese carved & pierced hardwood side tables £200-300
471. Pair of Art Nouveau silver candlesticks by The Goldsmith's Co of Regent Street London (hallmarked 1900), six silver fruit knives and five matching forks with mother-of-pearl handles (hallmarked Sheffield 1935) £30-50
472. Two large albums full of novelty glass eye animal postcards, early 20th c. £80-120
473. Two Keen's Mustard advertising tins commemorating Queen Victoria's Jubilee 1887 £50-80
474. Opera glasses, pocket binoculars and two cloisonne dishes £10-30
475. Two large albums full of novelty pull out postcards, called Mailing Novelty, Novelty View etc. with souvenir photos under a small flap on the postcard, usually integrated as part of the picture. Many UK seaside resorts, etc. c1920's/30's £80-140
476. Pair of 19th c. walnut balloon-back dining chairs on cabriole legs £20-40
477. 18th c. oak wainscot chair £60-80
478. c. 1920's booklets and ephemera, life saving medal etc. £10-15
479. Silver plated cutlery, pocket watch etc. £10-20
480. Royal Crown Derby tea set, 3 cups and saucers, 12 side plates, 3 cake plates, cream jug and sugar bowl £20-30
481. Modern onyx plant stand £15-20
482. Collection of packs of advertising and playing cards, inc. an original box for visiting cards and a bundle of "A & BC" railway cards, etc. £30-40
483. An early 20th c. long wall clock £10-30
484. Edwardian carved walnut mantle clock £20-30
485. Large Chinese Canton vase (restored with hairline crack and to base) £300-400
486. Three hats, two butterflies and one floral vintage china wall pockets £20-40
487. Old deeds, black chalkware minstrel band figures, postcard, maps and other ephemera £10-20
488. Large collection of Alfred Robert Quinton postcards in three albums and loose folders (too many to count!) £300-500
489. Taxidermy: Stuffed badger £10-20
490. A silver gilt and gold painted statue of Guangong £40-60
491. Chinese prunus ginger jar with lid £40-60
492. Chinese blue and white bowl, a stem cup and two other Chinese items £30-50
493. Chinese Jingdezhen Flambe vase, a Chinese hexagonal vase and another small vase £30-50
494. Four various Beswick corgi figures, two Sylvac corgis, five Wade corgis in a basket, an Edith Walton hand painted china lidded box and a corgi egg cup! £40-60
495. Stratton compact, serviette ring etc. £5-10
496. Chinese silver plated rickshaw cruet set and a similar model of a junk £20-30
497. Collection of assorted Belleek china (14 pieces), inc. "shell" teapot etc. £80-120
498. Various Railway Company certificates and notices, a brass vintage car horn and a warming pan £20-30
499. Early pottery jug £10-20
500. Georgian mahogany foldover tea table with drawer (A/F) £30-60
501. Chinese carved bamboo brush pot (A/F) £30-40
502. 19th c. stitchwork dome topped casket £40-60
503. Trench Art jewellery box made from cross-section of a wooden propeller £20-30
504. Tribal Art: three African spears, an old knife from the Belgian Congo with hooked and pierced blade and carved wooden handle £40-60